1- Sign up

Click on the REGISTRATION button and fill in the different fields of the form. Sign-Up 

2- Authenticate

Once the account is validated, log in using the button. Login 

3- Add an E-Book

On the dashboard, click on “Add an Ebook”.

4- Fill in the basic information of the E-Book

Fill in the various basic information: Title, Category, Description, Name of the publication, Edition, Thumbnail of the Ebook and the presentation link of the Ebook.

5- Define the price of the E-Book

Define whether the Ebook is available for free, at full price or reduced price.

6- Upload the PDF of the E-Book

Upload Ebook preview which gives an idea of his content and the complete content of Ebook.

7- Save and publish the E-Book

The "Submit" button allows you to save and publish the Ebook.

8- Show all E-Books

  • The "all ebooks" menu allows you to view all your ebooks that you can update.

IMPORTANT : The EduTis team will take care of the proposal for a layout, cover and design of the Ebook which will be put online after approval by the author..